Summer Camp

Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic we were unable to send volunteers to the summer camp this year. Despite the pandemic, the summer camp programme was still able to continue without volunteers from the 5Cs. Throughout the summer the camp hosted 7 groups of children and young adults. We hope to be able to join our friends again next summer.
Hide and Seek

Over April and May we ran an online fundraiser – a game of hide and seek. We constructed an interactive map of our summer camp where one of our friends was hiding. Participants were able to select locations on the map where they believed Andrej was hiding. Congratulations to Renata who won a £20 pub voucher and everyone who participated!
24 Hours of Gaming
Dafydd Gape, a long-time supporter of the charity, got creative during the pandemic in an effort to raise funds for the summer camp. Dafydd gamed for a whole 24 hours, live-streaming the entire event online. Thank you, Daf!
Marathon at Home

As the London Marathon was cancelled this year, Vernon Jones got creative and ran his own marathon. Due to restrictions during the lockdown period, Vernon used his daily hour of exercise over the course of a week to complete the marathon whilst raising crucial funds. He even managed to complete the marathon a day ahead of schedule. Many thanks to Vernon!